Creating Roles

Use roles to assign access-level permissions to users. While few roles are available by default in erwin DI, you can create custom roles.

The Administrator role is system-generated and you cannot edit or delete it.

To create roles, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Resource Manager.
  2. The Resource Manager page appears. By default the Users tab opens.

  3. Click the Roles tab.
  4. Click .
  5. The Role page appears.

  6. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  7. Tab


    Role Name

    Specifies the user-defined role name.

    For example, Data Steward_AsiaPacific.

    Business Name

    Specifies the user-defined business name.

    For example, Data_Steward_Mapping.

    Role Type

    Specifies the role type

    • DI: Indicates that the role is available only for a Data Intelligence (DI) user
    • BU: Indicates that the role is available only for a Business User (BU)

    Role Description

    Specifies the role description.

    For example, This role has access to the Resource Manager and Mapping Manager.

  8. Under the Permissions Tree section, select the check box for the modules or the permission object to which you want to grant access to the role.
  9. Click Save.
  10. A role is created and added to the Roles list.

Once a role is created, you can:

You can also manage roles by using the options available on clicking the role. Managing roles involves:

  • Editing roles
  • Deleting roles
  • Cloning roles